Pendet initially a worship dance that many exhibited in the temple, which describes the descent reception to nature deities marcapada, an offering statement in the form of ceremonial dances. Gradually, over the times, the artists transform Pendet Balinese dance to dance "Welcome Speech", done while laying flowers in front of the guests who come, like Aloha in Hawaii. Nevertheless it does not mean Pendet so lost sacredness. Pendet still contain sacred-religious elements to include religious heavies thick. And agreed Pendet born in 1950.
Janger dance, social dance performed by youths some pairs. Who does not know Janger Dance? Once the word was revealed, people would have been associated with Bali. Janger is one of the dances of Indonesia in general and Bali in particular is already very well known in their own country or in foreign countries. When and where exactly this Janger appears no one knows exactly as predicted hundreds of years old and groups who do this show scattered in several areas of South Bali.
Janger alone exhibited by some people in pairs. The women and men will be dancing and singing alternately. This dance shows the story over a couple who are in love with each other and seek each other sulk. Janger dances including social dance which exhibited a certain moment as an entertainment. Dance movements are the basic movements in the dance performance itself is not that difficult or most difficult. Music that accompanies the tetamburan that comes with gender wayang.

Staging gambuh made in connection with major ceremonies like the temple ceremony conducted on a large scale (temple ceremonies are accompanied Madana), child marriage ceremony nobility, ceremony pelebon (cremation) and so forth. Gambuh accompanied by gambelan Pagambuhan that barreled Pelog Saih pitu, the usual figures shown are: Lean-ballooning ballooning, Princess, Arja, Panji (Patih Sweet), Patih Hard (Perabangsa), Demat Tomonggong, Turas, Panasar and King. Gambuh are still active can now be found in Batuan village (Gianyar), Padang Aji (Karangasem) Apit Yeh (Tabanan) and Singapadu (Gianyar). (by balivillarupiah)
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